
Improve every construction project with valuable data

Gather the right data from your construction schedule and improve your next projects. Easily gain insight into the performances of your project partners.

Always up-to-date overview
Save time, money and hassle

Learn from every project

Over the course of a project, all kinds of data are being collected. This allows you to determine what is going well and where there is still room for improvement. Both during a project and after completing it. That helps you constantly improve!


Insight into performances

By using KYP Analytics, you gain insight into the partners who perform best. You can then use this knowledge to evaluate and improve your collaboration with (standard) parties.

Safeguard quality

The connection with various quality safeguards allows you to carefully monitor the quality of your project. Link control moments to your project schedule and store all information in one place.

Discover the delaying factor in your construction schedule

Sometimes, a project gets delayed along the way. Afterwards, it can be difficult to determine what caused the delay in the first place.

Discover the delaying factor that is slowing down your project. Tasks and sticky notes that are completed too late registered. This enables you to adapt where necessary. You can also check when more sticky notes were added after the start of a project in the form of an extension or delay of the task.

You gain data-driven insights and can easily determine what caused a project to be delayed. This, in turn, helps you improve your construction schedule in the future and provides insight into your expectations versus practical reality.

Responsible KYP Project

“Mastering the use of the KYP Project schedule is crucial to ensure the project goes well. KYP Analytics is an important tool for project managers.”

Sander de Weert - Van Wanrooij - KYP
Sander de Weert Van Wanrooij

Effective actions with KYP Analytics

With KYP Analytics, you can achieve more than an effective schedule and excellent communication. Gain insight into the elements of your project that are going well and those that could be improved. With this information, you can easily take the necessary measures.

Valuable data that you can rely on. The data can tell you the odds of meeting your project’s deadline. Planned sticky notes form the key of your project as you work towards the deadline. Based on the sticky notes that have been checked off (on time) thus far, you can determine the odds of meeting the deadline.

The KYP factor then tells you how well the project is proceeding, compared to the day before. If any tasks are delayed, the KYP factor will turn red to let you know that you have to take action. Once the project is back on track, the KYP factor will turn green to indicate that everything is going smoothly!

Adjust in KYP Project

Do you want to improve every project?

Start using KYP today. Discover for yourself why more than 100,000 clients in the construction sector are already using the #1 schedule software to make every new construction project a little bit better! Try it yourself!