
Work together smarter with KYP Project and MS Project

Getting started wth an overall schedule for your project. Projectmanagers usually use MS Project to create this first schedule. This is a great start, but it’s not as clear at the construction site. Separate 6-week schedules are created and as a result, you, as the project leader, have less overview. In this blog, we discuss KYP Project as a supplement to MS Project, so that you as a project manager get the most out of the project schedules.

kyp project and microsoft excel icons

Your foundation in MS Project

MS Project is a widely used project management program worldwide. Like other software by Microsoft, MS Project has many functions and options to organize a schedule the way you want. Assigning dependencies between tasks is the most well known. You can see exactly which tasks are linked.

Another function: recalculating to make the schedule retroactively. In short, during the preparation phase, you can make the schedule as expansive as you like. Add subtasks, set up task dependencies, you name it. Once the schedule is done – then a superintendent converts it into a simple 6-week schedule. That’s a shame, because a lot of valuable data gets lost in the process. That could be better.

Full control over your project, from office to construction

A representative project schedule is indispensable for a successful project within your organization. This is the basis for feedback and further elaboration of the project. In KYP Project, you convert an overall schedule into tasks at day level. This gives project planners an accessible schedule to share with the superintendent.

The superintendent in their turn have a clear guideline for the start of the day. And as a project manager, you have an overview of the latest position and a legible schedule to share with the client and management. We are committed to understandable project management for the entire chain.

Scheduling and regulating KYP Project ms-project-kypMicrosoft Project

Suitable for 6-/20 weeks schedule

Quick schedule changes

User-friendly software

Accessible on tablet or smartphone

Long term schedule

Importing from different files

Edit or move multiple tasks at once

Communication during a project is crucial. This applies not only from the office to the construction site, but also the other way around. That means it’s nice if you have software that supports the communication flow.

Effective communication KYP iconKYP Project ms-project-kypMicrosoft Project

Everyone in one schedule

Communication directly from the schedule

Interaction – immediately see the status on the construction site

Focus on construction

Easily filter tasks

Detailed scheduling (information in beams)

Automated reminders at the start of a task

One thing is certain: digitization offers opportunities. You have seen what the options are for effective schedule and communication in a project. It is worth taking these as a starting point when making a choice in project management software. There are several final options that will make you very happy as a construction worker:

Additional options KYP iconKYP Project ms-project-kypMicrosoft Project

Color options for assignments

Notifications of changes, approaching tasks or deadlines

Deliveries directly above the execution schedule

Place orders directly from the schedule


Organization wide with KYP Project

Easily accessible software

Whether you are responsible for a small or large project, communication is  indispensable for success on

With KYP Project, you ensure that no information from the overall schedule is lost due to noise. You can easily transfer the overall schedule into a daily schedule. As a project manager, you determine the main points of the project by means of phases. For project planners and superintendents, this is the basis for working ahead (6-/20-week planning). In the same schedule, they assign tasks to project partners. The entire chain in one schedule.

To be able to work with MS Project, it is important to know how the whole package works. Many settings are required to work effectively with MS Project. In KYP Project, we omit unnecessary functions. This allows us to keep the project schedule understandable for everyone. The Tips of the Day simply help you through the basic steps in the tool. This way, anyone with a KYP account can get started in KYP Project in an accessible way.

Clear and complete overview 

Where Excel offers many options for dividing up and shaping a schedule, KYP Project has a single layout

We keep the schedule very clear in KYP Project. Less is more. We omit mutual relationships and subtasks. As nice as those dependencies are, such an extensive schedule is not always obvious or easy to use on the construction site. Certainly not if tasks regularly change due to delayed deliveries or unworkable weather. Then it is nice if you can quickly see which tasks you need to change.

In KYP Project, you plan the task per line, by dragging post-its on the days that the task is performed. In the post-it’s themselves, you put details of the (sub)task. This means you have fewer lines in the schedules and yet all information is included. Implementing a change is a breeze for a superintendent.

Communication is key

KYP Project is a web-based tool. As soon as the schedule changes, for example due to a shift in masonry because of bad weather, the contractor simply implements that change. Anyone who has been added to the schedule will immediately see an updated version of the schedule. And everyone to whom the shift applies immediately receives an email. That makes communicating changes really easy.

When tasks are completed, superintendents or project partners check them off. This is also immediately visible to everyone within the schedule. All project members are always aware of the latest status of the project. From now on, you will always talk about one and the same schedule during a meeting. This is how you keep meetings effective.

The schedule also offers advantages for feedback moments and reports. By adding executives with ‘view only’ rights, they see a simple view of the standline with the most important information of the project. You can now show this at any time, without first requesting the latest state of affairs in the shed. You always have an up-to-date schedule ready.

Also read: 5 Reasons not to use Excel for Construction Schedules

What does good project management cost? 

KYP Project costs you:

  • Less time
  • Less emails
  • Fewer phone calls
  • Less failure costs
  • Less hassle

And in terms of money? There are different packages, so you only pay for what you really use. Take a look at the price packages.

From office to construction site. KYP Project is there for everyone.

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