Hey project planner!
Are you looking for an effective project control method in the construction sector? A construction project is not a one-man job. Easily draw up an overall schedule and maintain control over the entire project. With KYP Project, you can order the materials you need directly from your schedule and gain insight into the performances of your project partners.
Scheduling made easy
With KYP, you can draw up an overall schedule for your project in a single day. Quickly schedule the various tasks and sticky notes on the right days of the project’s execution phase.
Always up to date
Everyone is linked to their respective tasks and will be notified of any relevant changes to the schedule.
Purchase materials directly from the schedule
The interfaces with different suppliers allow you to order the materials you need directly from your construction schedule. This ensures deliveries are linked to the right tasks and the right time.
Smarter scheduling helps you maintain control your projects
As a project planner, it is your job to determine the most efficient and effective work methods. Using smart construction scheduling software that offers you a complete project overview makes this a whole lot easier.
Discover how KYP Project can help you with your day-to-day activities.
Schedule up to eight hours faster than in Excel
A survey among more than 100 users shows that they can draw up a solid basic schedule for their project with KYP Project in just four to eight hours! If you have an existing schedule in Excel, Asta Powerproject or Microsoft Project, you can import it into KYP with just three clicks!
All project documentation gathered in one place
Struggling to maintain the stream of documentation is a thing of the past. Now, you have a single digital platform where you can easily link documents, drawings and contracts to specific tasks. How useful is that!
Everyone has access to the same information
During a project, you work together with many different parties, including architects, constructors, suppliers, subcontractors and many more. Now, everyone can access the most recent version of the project schedule at any time via their browser, the iOS app or the Android app. This will make your meetings and discussions about the schedule far more efficient.

Collaboration made easy
A construction project is not a one-man job. As a project planner, you have to deal with many different parties. KYP Project brings all these parties together in one place!
1. Share the overall schedule with the superintendent.
2. Stay on top of your project with a complete overview of the current state of affairs.
3. Quickly see what parties are linked to what tasks.
4. Report concrete data to your project leader and board of directors with a single click.

Price KYP Project
A separate KYP Project environment for each user. Only pay for what you use.
“Grip on the use of the KYP Project schedule is crucial to go through the project properly. KYP Analytics offers an important tool for project managers in this regard.”