
An effective daily stand at VolkerWessels thanks to online planning

Make your daily stand effective and work together in one digital project schedule. At VolkerWessels they were working with different planning programs. This meant that communicating all the information to all the project members was sometimes a challenge.

The result? Incomplete information on the construction site. There must be another way, they thought. VolkerWessels and KYP Project have now been working together for some time and are keeping a grip on their projects. Read more about what it can do for you!

Planning KYP


Schedule up to 4 hours faster than with other programs!



Save an hour a week of unnecessary phone calls



Adjusting unworkable weather in the schedule is a snap. That will save you another 15 minutes!

Wijzigen in KYP


Send about 6 fewer emails per week that are about planning.

Create schedules easily, without hassle!

With your daily work in construction you are already busy enough. Therefore, you have no time at all for another complicated software tool!
Fortunately KYP Project is nice and simple. The clear schedule, the ability to quickly make changes and the automatic communication with project partners mean that you have much more time for other project components!
The up-to-date schedule gives you a quicker insight into any risks that could lead to delays and project stagnation.
Super simple and nice and easy. Still have some questions? KYP support is always ready to help you!

“Previously we worked with Asta and MS Project, but since KYP Project works so easily we also plan work a lot faster now!”

VolkerWessels project KYP
Rob van Duijn Superintendent

For whom is KYP Project?

  • Plan, monitor, and change schedules quickly.
  • Connect all stakeholders to the project.
  • Perform quality checks easily.
Project manager
  • Keep track of multiple projects through My Business.
  • Get insight into party performance in KYP Analytics.
  • See the current progress in a project by using the digital standline.
Project planner
  • Easily plan the overall schedule in KYP Project.
  • Collaborate clearly with each stakeholder in the project.
  • Perform quality checks easily.
Project partner
  • Actively contribute to the schedule by checking off your post-its.
  • Use the app to always have the current schedule in your pocket.
  • Keep track of multiple projects through My Business.

Bebouw Midreth – Project Wilheminawerf Utrecht, the Netherlands

“KYP Project is easy to use and therefore clear for everyone.”

Marcel van Scheppingen – Superintendent

Project Wilheminawerf Utrecht

Nice and simple, no fuss!

KYP Project is nice and simple. The clear planning, the ability to make changes quickly and the automatic communication with project partners. You will have more time for other project components!
The up-to-date planning gives you a quicker insight into any risks that could lead to delays and project stagnation. In this way, you prevent failure costs.

Try for free:
experience simple scheduling yourself

Plan quickly. Make changes easily. Hook all your project partners into your always up-to-date schedule. Find out why hundreds of projects and more than 80,000 builders work with KYP Project